時間:5/8 下午13:00-16:00
亞洲文化圈具有共同的淵源,本論壇希望透過亞洲各國設計雜誌總編輯的眼 光與對話,激盪出設計思維的火花。對談內容觸及亞洲各國的設計環境總體比較,尋思亞洲設計的共通性內涵與差異化,並進而尋找出亞洲設計的中心城市,希望從 對談中透過總編輯們融入本國文化智慧的眼睛,讓我們看見因為環境的種種不同,經過論壇交融、相互影響所呈現的美麗及感動。
Moderator (引言人):
Matthew Chao 馬修 (DFUN, Taiwan)
Panel Speakers (專業講師): (by Country)
Sijuan (Territory, Malaysia)
Kelley Cheng (ish, Singapore)
Adam Liao 廖純慶 (dpi, Taiwan)
Johnson Lee 李長松 (XFUNS, Taiwan)
專家介紹Who's Who:
Matthew Chao 馬修 (DFUN, Taiwan)
Founder, Chief Editor
Fashionable & Chic? DFUN designers know Best!
與一般供給設計界而成立的設計雜誌不同的是,DFUN設計風尚誌專注於促進設計消費,定位 為“買設計.找風格.新時尚“,提供一個全新的設計風格消費形態。 DFUN是一本由國內外設計師策劃、撰稿,以設計師的眼光推薦全球最新、最值得推薦的時尚設計品,與國際同步的 Fashion Design消費性時尚雜誌。報導主題涵蓋了國際時尚設計城市動態、展覽、概念設計、生活用品、建築、室內設計、科技、汽車、服裝、配件等等高設計品質的 物件。
總編輯馬修以其報紙、雜誌、電視、網站、DM等齊備的工作與管理經驗加上政治、經濟、藝術文化、娛樂等完整的新聞採訪與管理背景, 完全洞悉消費者需求,精準掌握市場趨勢。
DFUN Magazine is the first design-focused consumer report in Taiwan. It brings the latest design news and events, and presents designers’ point of view to consumers. Its goal is to offer readers access to design information and tips on being a wise fashionable shopper. From September 2006, DFUN has slowly built a bridge between local readers and global design. It covers design events and news from major cities, design concepts, design related technology, fashion and accessories, industrial design, interior design, architecture etc.
Matthew Chao, the CEO of C&A media and Chief Editor of DFUN, has years of experience in media including newspapers, magazines, television, internet and DM. His journalism background enriches his knowledge in politics, business, art, and entertainment. With his media resources and comprehensive cross-promotion expertise, he wants to build DFUN as the “to go” magazine for design readers.
ShaoQiang Wang 王紹強 (Design360, China)
Founder, Chief Editor
中國權威設計雜誌Design 360總編
設計影響世界,設計影響未來!360°全方位設計,讓我們以設計的名義享受更美妙的生活!《Design 360°》觀念與設計雜誌,是一本介紹國際先進設計理念、獨特創意、傑出設計師、設計院校和設計資訊的設計類綜合雜誌。以從事創意設計的專業設計師、藝術類、設計類專業的院校師生,以及關注國際設計界動態的專業人士和愛好者為主要讀者。《Design 360°》目前已擁有超過3萬的忠實讀者,成功跨越新加坡、澳大利亞、印度、香港、澳門、臺灣、韓國和中國內地等國家和地區。《Design 360°》以專業新銳的視角,網羅國際設計藝術領域的經典個案,內容涵蓋平面設計、產品設計、建築設計、室內設計、圖形文化等多個設計藝術領域,以介紹世界各地的先進設計觀念、設計公司、設計師、成功案例、國際設計動態以及設計院校為主,旨在找尋一個當代設計師的舞臺,向業內人士提代一個學術交流的平臺,促進全球設計師、設計機構之間的互動與文化交流。
王紹強 Wang Shaoqiang
Top 100 designers in China 2006
Top 10 designers in Guangzhou 2007
Chief Editor of Design 360°-Concept and Design Magazine
Chief Editor of Almanac of Asia-Pacific Design
Executive Director of Sandu Cultural Media Co., LtdAssociate Professor of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
廣州美術學院 副教授
Design influences the world and the future, making our life more colorful. Design 360° is an all-round design magazine dedicated to introducing international advanced design concepts, original works, outstanding designers and prestigious design institutes. It covers architecture, animation, industrial design, interior design, graphic design, digital design etc, being an informative source for students in art and design academies, professional designers and amateurs alike, who take great interest in international design trends. It has built up a bridge between the design circle in China and that of the rest of the world.
Juan (Territory, Malaysia)
Founder, Chief Editor, Bigbrosworkshop & Territory
Sijuan, of Bigbros Workshop is a key figure in the graphic design scene. The founder of Territory magazine, he is also responsible for contributing towards establishing a strong foundation for graphic design in the
Kelley Cheng (ish, Singapore)
Editorial Director, Page One Publishing
35-year-old Kelley Cheng is the Editorial Director of Page One Publishing, one of Asia’s most prominent publishing firm, and also the Creative Director of Page One Group, known for its outstandingly-designed chain of bookshops in Asia established since 1983. She was headhunted by the group in 2001 to spearhead the publishing arm of the group, when she was 29 years old. Prior to the big break, Kelley ran her own boutique-sized publishing firm Hypersummer Matters Publishing, which published the multiple award-winning design magazine - ish, conceptualised and envisioned by her to be the definitive design magazine from Asia, for the world. Started out as a one-person show in 1999, ish magazine today has one of the biggest following in Asia and has been recognised as a leading force in the design field. Graduated with two degrees, a Degree of Arts and an honours degree in Architecture (from the National University of Singapore) in 1994, but determined right from graduation day to swop blueprints for ozalids, Kelley’s dream of starting a design magazine has led her to a place where she had never imagined. Today, apart from her role as the head of publishing in Page One, she serves as advisory panel for many Singapore government organisations, including the National Art Gallery, Singapore Furniture Industry Council, Singapore Polytechnic, has served as a judge in many international design competitions including the Nagoya Design Do!, Singapore Design Awards, Design for Asia Award, just to name a few and she is also active in design conferences over the world often serving as moderator and speaker.
Adam Liao 廖純慶 (dpi, Taiwan)
Founder, Chief Editor
Johnson Lee 李長松 (XFUNS, Taiwan)
Founder, Chief Editor
長松文化創立於 1975 年,為了鼓勵台灣設計領域與國際創意設計舞台的接軌,遂於 1993 年開始努力貢獻於數位設計區塊。為此,也揭開了台灣數位設計史的序幕。
在歷經數年對於數位設計的積累,也考慮到台灣本土需要一本擁有獨到觀點的創意/設計雜誌。因此,長松文化便在 2002 年八月發行《XFUNS》一本結合創意設計概念的雙月刊雜誌,同時,不定期附贈 CD 光碟影像紀錄。
Johnson Publication Co., Ltd. was established on December in 1975. In order to bridge Taiwanese design with the international stage and encourage the native creative industry, Johnson Publication has been devoted to the field of digital design since 1993 which opened a new record in the digital design history of Taiwan.
We’ve been accumulating some knowledge of design and creative since back then. Considering that Taiwan needed a creative and design magazine of its own point of view, Johnson Publication founded XFUNS creative and design magazine. XFUNS is a bimonthly equipped with CD ROM casually and the premier was released in August 2002. It aims at reporting multimedia design, visual design, international creative thinking, outstanding designers and artists, design news, unique design approaches and so on.
We want to provide a fresh and exciting perspective for young generations with multitudes of fun, energetic and in-depth reports. Meanwhile this interactive platform is prepared for people who get involved in design and arts, to promote artists and designers from Taiwan, and to introduce illuminating international figures in the fields of design and arts to more people.